In order to comply with these regulations, important efforts are being made to develop non-polluting substances that can be used with the same efficacy as those used up until now. Chromic anodizing (AAC) is gradually being replaced in the industry by other ones such as Tartaric Sulphuric Anodising (TSA) or Boric/Sulfuric Acid Anodizing, but these have a lower resistance to corrosion.
NANODIZING develops a new concept of anodizing that presents a better behaviour against corrosion than the current alternatives. Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) and the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) are funding this research, which will end in December 2018. Titania carries out this project in collaboration with the Corrosion and Protection Group of The University of Cadiz (Labcyp).