EASYJOINT aims to develop knowledge and application of joining technologies to thermoplastic and thermoset composite parts with thermoplastic additives, according to the following scheme:
– Joining of thermoplastic composite parts / thermoplastic of the same resin.
– Joining of thermoplastic composite parts / thermoplastic of different resin.
– Joining of thermoplastic composite parts, with thermoset composite part with thermosetting additive.
These parts will be manufactured by technologies in and out of autoclave, such as:
– Compression molding.
– Resin transfer molding (RTM)
– Thermostable with thermoplastic film
The joining technologies to be developed will be:
– Ultrasonic frictional heating.
– Use of thermoplastic polymer intermediate layer in thermosetting composite piece
Technological-scientific objectives
Reduction of manufacturing processes cycles, assembly cycles and weight at more competitive cost.
• To implement ultrasonic bonding method, to allow fusion bonding, between polymeric material, relevant similar or dissimilar composite material; defining and proposing the method that will allow a fast characterization of the union by ultrasonic welding of different materials.
• A surface media capable of being co-cured with the thermosetting composite and compatible with thermoplastic parts, such as thermoplastic fastening flanges, will be implemented and characterized. Defining and developing an innovative testing method to evaluate the compatibility of the surface media and the thermosetting composite.
• In third place, and correlated with the previous objectives, the joint of a demonstration geometry (thermoplastic / thermoplastic, thermostable + superficial media / thermoplastic) welded by ultrasonics and with a characterization will be carried out.
To face this ambitious challenge, a multidisciplinary consortium composed of 3 companies has been consolidated, with the necessary skills and knowledge to cover the entire value chain of the project.
SOFITEC, international aerospace company and leader of the EASYJOINT consortium, specialized in aerostructures manufacturing in composite and metallic materials, and which will be responsible for developing the knowledge and application of joining technology to thermoplastic and thermoset composite parts with additives thermoplastics.
CT INGENIEROS, engineering services company in the aeronautical, naval, rail, energy, automotive, industrial plants, architecture and construction sectors, will participate in the design and calculation of demonstrators, as well as the modelling of joints of the parts made of thermoplastic and thermoset composite material.
TITANIA, as an SME company with wide experience in quality control, research and development of materials and industrial processes, within the project will be responsible for carrying out the mechanical characterization tests of both the manufactured material and the joints that are made by ultrasonic welding, between thermoplastic and thermosetting parts with thermoplastic film.
The consortium has the support of EURECAT, an entity with extensive experience in thermoplastic and thermoset composite materials processing, the design of composite parts, and automation of manufacturing processes.
Participating companies aim to mature the processes of joining pieces of thermoplastic or thermostable composite material, focused on the use of ultrasonic welding.
The EASYJOINT project will be carried out in Andalusia, and has a budget of around €1.2 M, with an execution period of 31 months, and with its completion scheduled for December 2020. Framed in the FEDER Innterconecta 2018 call, it is subsidized by the CDTI and co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the Plurirregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, with the aim of promoting research, technological development and innovation.