In a further step towards the incorporation of Industry 4.0 tools, Titania is committed to applying Artificial Intelligence to testing tasks in different laboratories. To this end, the ASSISTER project aims to revolutionise the way in which tests based on image analysis are carried out.

The project is part of the C005/21-ED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2021 call issued by, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. On this occasion, the University of Cadiz’s IBT group is collaborating to support the development of AI.

The AI to be developed will pursue a twofold objective. Firstly, it should be able to identify areas of interest in different types of images. Secondly, it should be able to quantify specific areas of the samples studied.

The project will be developed focusing on two applications: microscopy of CFRP composites and analysis of failure modes in mechanical tests. These have been selected for similar reasons: the high execution time involved and the high demand for these evaluations. Thus, it is expected that the application of this AI will considerably reduce the time spent by qualified technicians.

The AI to be developed will pursue a twofold objective. Firstly, it should be able to identify areas of interest in different types of images. Secondly, it should be able to quantify specific areas of the samples studied.

The ASSISTER project is subsidised by the C005/21-ED Airtificial Intelligence 2021 call of, financed by the European Union- Next Generation EU and with the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and, the Technological Corporation of Andalusia CTA.