The ImaginA project has borne fruit after the work carried out over the last few months. Thanks to the research process carried out with the consortium partners, CT Ingenieros and SolarMems, the first test results based on image analysis using artificial intelligence models have been obtained.

The ImaginA project aims to design, develop and implement artificial intelligence models to carry out different tests based on image analysis. In the case of Titania, the test studied was the determination of Bond Line Corrosion (BLC).

The models developed in the project have produced a tool that allows results to be obtained with a confidence level of 95%, a success for the consortium. These results will enable the microscopy laboratory to reduce testing times from minutes to seconds.

In this project, Titania developed the database needed to train the artificial intelligence models and validated the technology with the microscopy laboratory.

ImaginA is a project supported by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, funded by Call AEI 2023.