On Monday 26 June, the eleventh edition of the Social Impact Awards granted by the Foro de Consejos Sociales de las Universidades Andaluzas (Forum of Social Councils of Andalusian Universities) was held at the Archivo de Indias in Seville. In a ceremony attended by the Andalusian Regional Government’s Minister for University, Research and Innovation, Mr José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, recognition was given to initiatives that transfer the knowledge generated at university to society through scientific development, innovation, creativity and social progress.

Titania, Ensayos y Proyectos Industriales received recognition in the category of “Company with technological impact” for its present and future vision as a research and development centre working to provide sustainable solutions to the environmental and quality problems faced by companies.

The Cadiz-based company is a benchmark of excellence in the industrial sector. In the area of R&D, its activity focuses on the development of research projects in the field of materials science applied to address challenges within the ecological transition, the green economy and industry 4.0. The scope of its actions has been reinforced this year through an investment of 1.5 million euros in a new R&D centre.

 The event was attended by Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Chacón, Director, and Virginia Gómez Pérez, Head of Human Resources and Communication at the company, and was hosted by Desirée García Escribano, editor and news presenter at Canal Sur Televisión. The award was collected by Miguel Ángel Rodríguez who, during his speech, emphasized his appreciation of the fact that “Titania’s actions are being recognised not only in the field of education and the knowledge economy, but also in other areas in which we are strongly committed, such as immigration, equality, health, poverty and the environment”. He also dedicated the award “to the eighty people who form part of Titania because it is their work that generates the resources to carry out the actions that are behind the recognition that we are receiving today.”

These awards are intended to recognise “best practices” in collaboration between Andalusian Public Universities and companies and other public and private organisations, and their contribution to social progress and welfare through the production, transfer and practical application of knowledge and social impact.

The jury was composed of Rocío Reinoso, president of the Foro de Consejos Sociales de las Universidades Públicas de Andalucía; Francisco Muñoz, vice-president of the Foro; Francisco Vañó, president of the UJA; Javier González de Lara, president of the CEA; Ramón Herrera de las Heras, SGU of the Junta de Andalucía; Pablo Cortés Achedad, SGI of the Junta de Andalucía, and Carmelo Rodríguez Torreblanca, president of AUPA.