Last February Titania was chosen by the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) to host a Learning Expedition to its installations as an activity framed within INTRANSIT, a European project which includes CTA as a member of the consortium.

The INTRANSIT project aims to strengthen the resilience of textile, aerospace and construction SMEs as greener, more digitalised sectors with a mixed support mechanism that includes individual consultancy and funding to ensure their consolidation and sustainability. CTA’s participation in the INTRANSIT project is strategic due to its role as a multi-sectoral innovation partner-financier in Andalusia that helps Andalusian entities to plan their R&D+i strategies.

As a benchmark for the technological fabric of the province of Cadiz and an example of the visibility of technological SMEs in projects financed in the European call for projects in recent years, Titania was chosen to host more than twenty entities from the aerospace sector from more than ten countries at its facilities on 22nd February. Specifically, it hosted the following entities and technology centres: Arion Arquitectura SL (Spain); Redeem Solar Technologies GmbH (Austria); Celtic Dynamics Engineering LTD (Ireland); Terra Spatium SA (Greece); Efficiencyrising LDA (Portugal); Pulsar Laboratories d.o.o. (Croatia); Mais Taha InovaXion PlatformZ LTD (Malta); Bitrezus P.C. (Greece); Total Plastic Solution (Ireland); Care Applications S.L.U. (Spain); iBreve (Ireland); REARM d.o.o. (Croatia); SpacEngineeer LDA (Portugal); Kreios Space SL (Spain); ComSensus, komunikacije in senzorika, d.o.o. (Slovenia); Ultratap Oy (Finland); Semel pro Semper d.o.o. (Croatia); Fly4Future s.r.o. (Czech Republic); University of Zagreb (Croatia); Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales (CATEC) (Spain); and CTA (Spain).

The visitors were hosted by Pedro Astola, Head of the R&D area, Dr Marta Botana, R&D project coordinator, and Javier Zájara and María Pérez, R&D technical staff. After presenting Titania’s installations and capabilities, the visit ended with a small networking event. The Cadiz-based company is positioned as a company aimed at providing qualified scientific-technological support on materials and industrial processes to the industry. In recent years, Titania has increased its presence in research projects and new developments in order to provide a sustainable response to society’s current challenges.

Finally, the Learning Expedition offered an opportunity to learn about and hear success stories from different sectors, such as the aerospace sector. In addition, it will promote collaboration and participation in new research projects, increasing scientific excellence and technological knowledge transfer.