Its commitment to equality has led Titania to join the “Women Flying High” Association (EVA for its initials in Spanish) as a collaborating company, working to give visibility to women in the aeronautical sector.

In 2018, Teresa Busto, Isabel Maestre and Estefanía Matesanz, three women working successfully in the aeronautical sector, decided to create the EVA Association. The initiative’s aim is to give voice to women in the aeronautical sector and increase their presence, fighting for the integration and inclusion of women in the sector and for the elimination of any type of discrimination. In the face of this challenge, EVA carries out different types of actions in various fields, from the world of politics to academia.

In order to fulfil its mission of giving visibility to women in the aerospace sector and creating new benchmarks, EVA has a presence in different sector forums, as well as organising its own events aimed at all audiences.

In June this year, Titania joined the association to contribute to the fight for equality, adding a new company milestone in this area. Currently, the company has a strong equality policy, and collaborates with other associations, such as “Mujeres Imparables” (Unstoppable Women), and with programmes to improve the employability and entrepreneurship of female undergraduates, such as the UNIVERGEM programme funded by the Instituto de la Mujer de la Junta de Andalucía and managed by the University of Cadiz.